How old do I have to be to open a bank account?
Under Canadian law, you can open a bank account at any age, even if you don’t have a job or have money to put in the account right away. You must provide valid identification. If you are under 18, usually banks require that a parent or guardian be named on the account too. Check with individual banks about their account policies.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to get a credit card?
To get a credit card on your own, you must have reached the age of majority in your province or territory of residence. In Alberta, that is 18.
If you are under 18, the bank will require that your parent or guardian co-sign for the credit card. A credit card is a contract (see question below about entering into contracts). If you do not pay the money back, the person who co-signed will be responsible for repayment.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to get a loan?
Generally, you have to be at least 18 to get a loan on your own. Minors can only enter into certain kinds of contracts and loans are not one of them. Because of this, banks and loan companies cannot sue you for money you owe them and will be reluctant to lend you money.
If you are under 18, the bank will require that your parent or guardian co-sign for the loan. A loan is a contract (see question below about entering into contracts). If you do not pay the loan back, the person who co-signed will be responsible for repayment.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to open an RRSP?
Anyone, including someone under the age of 18, can open an RRSP as soon as they have qualifying earned income and are paying income tax. The bank or financial institution will usually require that your parent or guardian consent to opening the account and have signing authority on it until you turn 18.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to open a tax-free savings account (TFSA)?
You must be at least 18 years old and you must have a social insurance number (SIN). For more information, see the Government of Canada webpage on TFSAs.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
At what age can I get a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
You can apply for a SIN on your own if you are 12 years of age or older.
If you are under the age of majority in your province or territory of residence (18 in Alberta), your parent or guardian can apply for a SIN on your behalf.
To work in Canada or receive government benefits and services, you need a SIN if you are:
- a Canadian citizen, or
- a permanent resident, or
- a temporary resident.
To apply, you need a valid primary document to prove your identity and legal status in Canada, such as a birth certificate or Certificate of Canadian Citizenship.
For more information, see the Government of Canada’s webpage on Social Insurance Numbers.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to enter into a contract?
Contracts are agreements between you and another person where you give each other something. For example, if you enter into a contract to rent an apartment with a landlord, you are agreeing to pay rent and the landlord is agreeing that you can live in the apartment. A contract is an agreement that the law will enforce. A contract does not have to be in writing to be enforceable (but verbal contracts are often more difficult to enforce, as they are more difficult to prove).
When you are 18 or older, you may contract with others.
If you are under 18, you may also be able to contract with others, but you are generally limited to:
- contracts that may benefit you; or
- contracts for the necessities of life. This usually includes things such as food, shelter, education and medical services, but can also include other things, depending on the circumstances.
If you are under 18 and you enter into a contract for something other than these two items, you may have the option of cancelling the contract, either immediately or when you turn 18. The ability to cancel gives minors some protection against making reckless decisions. But the law balances this special protection for minors against legitimate business interests of people or companies that a minor contracts with. If you enter into a contract that is not beneficial to you and that is not for necessaries of life, the court may find that you are still bound to the contract.
You must also have mental capacity to enter into a contract, at any age.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
At what age can I get welfare?
It depends.
The word “welfare” is a term commonly used to refer to social financial assistance from the government. This system provides money to individuals who have exhausted all other means of financial support.
In Canada, each province and territory has its own social assistance programs. Administrative rules (such as eligibility and rates of assistance) are different for every program. In Alberta, social financial assistance is known as “Income Support”. You must be 18 or older to receive Income Support.
Alberta’s Children’s Services administers financial support for children under 18. For more information, contact Alberta’s Children’s Services or the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
At what age can I get employment insurance (EI)?
Employment Insurance is a national fund that you must pay into if you are working. This program is to help people who are laid off or working seasonally across Canada.
There is no specific age to qualify. In order to obtain EI, you must have had a job, paid into EI and otherwise met all of the other EI criteria (which includes a minimum amount of time worked).
Contact Employment Insurance for more information.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to rent a vehicle?
Most major vehicle rental companies require renters to be a minimum of either 21 or 25 years of age. Most major vehicle rental companies also require that the renter have a valid driver’s license and a credit card with a minimum available balance in their own name. Some car rental companies do allow renters at the minimum age 18, but often at increased rates.
For the rules of a specific rental company, contact that company.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to rent a hotel room?
In general, you have to be 18 to rent a hotel room. This is because:
- for the most part, in order to rent a room you must have a valid credit card (even if you pay cash – in case you damage the room); and
- renting a room is a rental contract, and minors usually can only enter into restricted kinds of contracts.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to buy or sell property? Or buy something online?
Buying and selling property of any kind requires a contract. Therefore, you generally have to be the age of majority, as minors can usually only enter into restricted kinds of contract.
If you own land, your parents or your trustee(s) will usually have to take care of any transaction involving the land. Since it is still your property, if someone wants to sell your land, they will have to go to court and explain why the sale is necessary. You may also have to provide a formal agreement to the transaction.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to sue someone? Or be sued by someone?
A person under 18 can sue or be sued, but only through a litigation representative. There is an exception: a person under 18 does not need a litigation representative if they are or have been a spouse or adult interdependent partner.
A litigation representative is an adult person who speaks for you because you are still a minor. The various terms that can be used to describe such an adult are: “litigation representative,” “guardian”, “guardian ad litem” or “next friend”. For more information, consult a lawyer.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to hire a lawyer?
A lawyer may represent children and youth of all ages.
When a lawyer represents a minor, the minor is their client, not the family or anyone else. The rule of privilege (a kind of professional secrecy) governs that relationship. In other words, if you are a minor and have a lawyer, neither you nor the lawyer have to tell your parents what you two talk about. Privileged information is generally about something that happened in the past. Usually a lawyer cannot disclose this information to anyone without your clear permission.
In some cases, the government may even appoint a lawyer for you. Specifically, children and youth receiving services under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act or the Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act can have a lawyer appointed to them by the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta.
If you have been charged with a criminal offence and are under 18 years of age, you are eligible to receive representation by a lawyer through Legal Aid Alberta. Contact Legal Aid Alberta for more information.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
How old do I have to be to make a Will?
A Will is a legal statement of how a person wants their property to be dealt with after their death. In Alberta, any adult (age 18 or over) who is mentally capable can make a Will.
A person under the age of 18 can make a Will if they are mentally capable and:
- have or had a spouse or adult interdependent partner; or
- are a member of the regular forces of or are placed on active service with the Canadian Forces (naval, land or air force); or
- are authorized by the court to make a Will.
Last Reviewed: November 2019
See Also
Youth FAQs on: