Are there laws to protect my rights when I am working in Alberta?
Yes, as long as your job comes within Alberta’s employment laws. Alberta has passed an Employment Standards Code for most non-unionized employees and a Labour Relations Code for unionized employees.
Last Reviewed: November 2020
What is the Employment Standards Code?
The Employment Standards Code is a provincial law that sets out basic rights that employers must give their non-unionized employees when they enter into an employment contract.
Last Reviewed: November 2020
What is covered by the Labour Relations Code?
Alberta’s Labour Relations Code governs relations between employers and trade unions, and relations between trade unions and their members. The questions and answers on this site deal mostly with non-unionized workers. Unionized workers should refer to the Labour Relations Code or seek out more information from their trade unions.
Last Reviewed: November 2020
Are there any other laws that protect my rights as an employee in Alberta?
Yes. The Alberta Human Rights Act sets out a Code of Conduct that includes the issues of discrimination and equal pay with regard to employees. Also, there are laws that deal with issues of health and safety in the workplace, Workers Compensation, employment insurance, pensions, and other benefits.
Last Reviewed: November 2020
What does the Employment Standards Code in Alberta cover?
Alberta’s Employment Standards Code and its regulations covers the following areas:
- payment of wages including pay periods, overtime pay, holiday pay, method of pay, deductions from pay
- minimum wage
- hours of work, rest periods and days of rest
- overtime hours and overtime pay
- general holidays and general holiday pay
- vacations and vacation pay
- maternity and parental leave
- compassionate care leave
- termination of employment and termination pay
- employment of those under 18
- reservists leave
Last Reviewed: November 2020
Does the Employment Standards Code apply to all employees in Alberta?
No, the Employment Standards Code does not apply to all employees in Alberta, for example:
- Federal government employees or employees in industries governed by the federal government (e.g., railways, shipping, telephone systems and telecommunications, radio and broadcasting, banking). These types of employees are covered by the federal Canada Labour Code.
- Municipal police service employees
- Farm owners or family members of a farm owner
Some parts of the Employment Standards Code (usually relating to hours of work, overtime and overtime pay) do not apply to certain employees, for example:
- Supervisors and managers
- Certain professions such as:
- Architects
- Accountants
- Engineers
- Lawyers
- Dentists
- Employees carrying out certain types of work such as:
- Salespersons
- Real estate brokers
- Securities dealers/advisors
- Insurance agents
If you are unsure about whether you are covered by the Employment Standards Code and Regulation, check the legislation.
Last Reviewed: November 2020
More Resources
Still looking for more information? Visit our Your Rights at Work page with more information about employment laws in Alberta. Or try searching LawNow’s collection of articles about various employment law topics.
- More FAQs about employment standards (CPLEA)
- FAQs about occupational health & safety (CPLEA)
- FAQs about discrimination and bullying (CPLEA)
- Directory of resources in Alberta (LawCentral Alberta) (French)
- Alberta Employment Standards (Government of Alberta)
- Alberta Human Rights Commission
- Occupational Health and Safety (Government of Alberta)
- Temporary Foreign Workers (Government of Alberta)
- Workers’ Resource Centre (help with employment issues)
- Alberta Workers’ Health Centre (legal information about safe and healthy workplace)